The District of Columbia National Guard
Trial Defense Service (DCNGTDS) is comprised of officers and noncommissioned
officers whose only job is to defend those who defend America. The mission of TDS is to provide a
full-range of defense legal services to Soldiers in the DCNG, at no cost to the
Soldier. These services include:
- Representing
Soldiers at courts-martial.- Representing Soldiers during criminal investigations and before involuntary
enlisted separation, officer elimination, Withdrawal of Federal Recognition, or
AGR removal boards.
- Counseling Soldiers regarding restraint, nonjudicial punishment (e.g., Article
15), and any other adverse administrative action taken pursuant to Army
TDS attorneys represent Soldiers only;
they do not represent civilian employees of the Department of
Defense, nor civilian dependents. In addition, TDS does not represent
Soldiers pending civilian judicial proceedings or charges, to include
proceedings at a federal magistrate court in a military base. TDS
representation is only provided to Soldiers facing adverse action in military
To ensure
objectivity and fairness, TDS attorneys are completely independent from local
commands and their legal advisors. Furthermore, TDS personnel are supervised
and rated by their superiors within TDS. Also, communications between TDS
personnel and a Soldier-client are strictly confidential and privileged.
For more
information about DCNGTDS, go to www.facebook.com/DCNGTDS or access the QR