The Child and Youth Program (CYP) is an integral component of the D.C. National Guard’s comprehensive approach to Family Readiness. By upholding the well-being of the entire family, the CYP offers outcome based activities designed to foster positive youth development and support the unique strengths and challenges of D.C. National Guard children. This high quality, out-of-school time program exists io mitigate risky behaviors, enhance resilience, develop positive coping strategies, and assist our D.C. National Guard youth in reaching their full potential as the next generation of leaders.
Age-appropriate activities and support services are offered in four service delivery areas:
- Art, Recreation & Leisure
- Sports, Fitness & Health
- Life Skills, Citizenship, Character Development & Leadership
- Academic Support, Career Development, Mentoring & Intervention
CHILD CARE and Family Resources
*Military Childcare.com - https://militarychildcare.com/
- This secure Department of Defense (DoD) website provides a single gateway for you to find
comprehensive information on military-operated or military-approved child care programs worldwide. With
MilitaryChildCare.com, you create an account and maintain a household profile that you can access at any
time from any location.
*Childcare Aware- https://www.childcareaware.org/
- Child Care Aware® of America works with more than 400 state and local Child Care Resource and
Referral agencies nationwide. To achieve our mission, our organization leads projects that increase the
quality and availability of child care, undertakes research, and advocates child care policies that positively
impact the lives of children and families.
*Our Military Kids Grant- www.ourmilitarykids.org
- Is for children of National Guard members that are involved in sports or extracurricular activities during
deployment of 120 days or longer. Applicants can be awarded a one-time, $300 grant per child. Grants
can be used to cover the cost of program fees, equipment, uniforms, or even lessons for that activity.
*Military Kids Connect is a Department of Defense- www.MilitaryKidsConnect.org
- (DOD) website for children experiencing the challenges of military deployments. The highly interactive
website that helps children of deployed parents cope with the stress, changing responsibilities, and
concern for the safety of their parents. The website has features that will help children, parents, and
educators navigate the wide range of practical and emotional challenges military families must live with
throughout the deployment cycle.
D.C. National Guard Programs
- The Capital Guardian Youth ChalleNGe Academy is a community-based organization that targets the at-risk youth of the District of Columbia in the efforts of helping them obtain their high school diploma or GED, and assisting them in becoming productive citizens. Cadets are enrolled in a 17.5-month program which consists of a 22-week residential phase at the academy's Laurel, Md., campus, and a 1-year, post residential, skills-building, mentor phase. The program began in 1993 and has saved and changed the lives of more than 600 teens; many of them joining the civilian workforce, pursuing advanced education and military careers.
- The D.C. National Guard also sponsors the About Face program which is an after-school and summer outreach program for local youth that provides classes on life skills including personal finances, employment training and meal planning.
- The Youth Leaders Camp is hosted annually--for more than 40 years--and provides local teens with a sense of leadership. sportsmanship and responsibility.