Tag: Historic Congressional Cemetery

Battle of Bladensburg ceremony sheds new light on D.C. Militiamen
August 24, 2024
Members of the District of Columbia National Guard in collaboration with Historic Congressional Cemetery participate in a community-wide program and wreath laying ceremony honoring the dozens of D.C. Militia members buried at the cemetery who fought in the Battle of Bladensburg, in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 24, 2024. The ceremony featured remarks from various speakers and recognized the Militiamen who defended the nation’s capital on August 24, 1814.

The Battle of Bladensburg: D.C. Militia, valor and lessons learned
August 15, 2024
The Battle of Bladensburg remains embedded in the DNA of the District of Columbia National Guard. It’s important that we examine and understand our organization’s role during the Battle of Bladensburg because we are defined as much by our victories as by our failures; it is the broad expanse of our historical experiences that make the D.C. National Guard a unique, relevant, and foundational institution of our democracy.

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