Suicide Prevention

Resilience, Risk, Reduction, Suicide Prevention-R3SP


The National Guard has made it a priority to promote resilience and risk reduction and to correspondingly decrease suicidal thoughts and actions. This includes enhancing the resilience of our Guardsmen and families through institutionalized training, leadership awareness, and prevention and intervention programs.


The R3SP program exists to minimize suicidal behavior by:

  • Providing adequate unit-level training to ensure resources and intervention measures are in place.
  • Promoting awareness and educational programs detailing both early warning signs and high risk factors.
  • Coordinating and disseminating relevant resources and information through the entire chain of command.
  • Providing accountability and reporting requirements

If someone you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, follow these three steps:


1. If you feel that danger is imminent, call 911 or dial the Suicide or crisis hotline (988), inform your leadership or Chaplain. Seek help from family, friends or a suicide intervention officer. Do not leave the person at risk alone.


2. Show respect, show empathy, and respond to the situation seriously. Know that help is always available and that you are not alone.

3. Seek help or encourage the individual to engage behavioral health resources. Call your mental health specialist or counselor, go to the emergency room at your local hospital or dial 911. Call a suicide hotline number.

Help Prevent Suicide