Tag: Civil Support Team

Soldier's Path to Strategic Deterrence in the 33rd WMD-CST
March 6, 2025
U.S. Army Sgt. Dallas Davis, survey team member within the District of Columbia National Guard’s 33rd Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team (WMD-CST), stands for a photograph at a D.C. Fire and Engine Station, on Jan. 19, 2025 . Teams train and are strategically positioned to respond effectively with partners to include D.C. Fire, U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Capitol Police, and CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Packages (CERFP) units during missions.

‘Ready to respond to the unknowns’: Vehicle-Mounted Radiological Detection System (VMRDS) elevates CST interoperability
November 16, 2023
National Guard Bureau (NGB) J39 hosted a WMD-CST Capabilities Symposium allowing federal partners, state/local agencies, and civilian first responders to get an up-close look at the 33rd Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team (WMD-CST) at the D.C. Armory, Nov. 6, 2023. The team is able to deploy rapidly, respond to an incident within 90 minutes and assist local first-responders in determining the nature of a weapon of mass destruction or chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive incidents. Earlier this year, the 33rd WMD-CST acquired a Vehicle-Mounted Radiological Detection System (VMRDS). (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Arthur Wright)

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