As a proud part of the District of Columbia community for more than two centuries, District of Columbia National Guard Capital Guardians welcome the opportunity to connect everyone who lives, works in or visits the Nation’s Capital with the mission, capabilities and people of our Army and Air National Guard. We welcome public requests for flyovers, military bands, color and honor guards, equipment displays and speakers. Note that while we would like to support all qualifying requests for support, there is no way we could do so. If we are able, we will make every effort to take part.
To request aircraft participation at public events in support of community relations programs, flyovers, static displays and aerial demonstration teams, the Department of Defense requires some paperwork. First, you must complete a DD Form 2535, a “Request for Military Aerial Support.” (If the link supplied here does not work, please copy and paste the following address into your web browser: https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/forms/dd/dd2535.pdf.)
Deadline: This form must be completed and submitted at least 90 days, but no later than 30 days, in advance of your event.
If you are requesting aviation support from the D.C. Air National Guard: You will complete the DD 2535 electronically and submit the form using the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events website (https://www.airshows.pa.hq.af.mil/PublicSite/Index.cfm?fwa=home).
If you are requesting aviation support from the D.C. Army National Guard: Complete the DD 2535 on your computer or by hand, and email it to the D.C. National Guard Public Affairs Office at ng.dc.dcarng.mesg.pao1@army.mil by the required 90-day deadline.
Before you submit the form, make sure it is:
- Requesters must contact and offer local military recruiters prime space for recruiting activities at no cost
- Instructions for ANG flyover requests are on the DD2535, pg 4, #10
NOTE: You must have FAA approval for ALL aerial events EXCEPT aircraft static displays BEFORE submitting your request.
Securing aviation assets after receiving approval: It is the requestor's responsibility to coordinate actual participation of D.C. National Guard flying units once your event has been determined eligible for support. Please contact the D.C. National Guard Public Affairs Office to determine whether units are available to support your event after your event has been approved. We realize that conversations often take place with units prior to any request submission, and we do not want to discourage dialogue, but please recognize that we cannot promise unit participation until it is determined that an event is supportable under policy and regulation and that the unit can support the request without interfering with its mission and at no additional cost to the government.
Pro Tip: Once you have submitted your request, if you have a unit in mind to support your event, it is suggested that you let them know that your request is in so that they can volunteer to support it if it is ultimately approved.
Some things to keep in mind: Aircraft participation is at no additional cost to the U.S. Government and on a non-interference basis with Department of Defense missions. Therefore, military contingencies and training requirements may preclude event participation at the last minute. Additionally, patriotic events that are free and open to the public and those events designed to enhance Armed Forces recruiting and retention efforts must be stated as such on your DD Form 2535 with a detailed explanation.
NOTE: We are not able to support all events though we will make every effort to do so as long as that support does not interfere with our District or federal missions and does not violate applicable policy or law. Aviation support or participation may be cancelled by the D.C. National Guard, the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Army without notice.
Public Affairs Office Location
The DCNG Public Affairs Office is located at the D.C. Armory, 2001 E. Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.
To contact the DCNG Public Affairs Office