If you have prior service the D.C. Army National Guard wants you back!
The D.C. Army National Guard is offering great benefits and bonuses and making sure that your valuable prior service is carried over into your enlistment. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Guard or Reserve, all branches are welcome. If you have prior military experience, put it to good use serving your country again while earning good money and great benefits. Having served, you know what an honor it can be to come to the aid of your country and how rewarding it can be. It does not matter what branch you served with, the D.C. Army National Guard is looking for you.
It doesn't matter what branch you served in, all your time will be added to your time in the Army National Guard. If you want to make a career out of the military you will be able to reach your 20 years and be eligible for military retirement and benefits.
Your last discharge must have been under Honorable Conditions. RE-4s and Less than Honorable discharges are not eligible for enlistment.
After the applicant is given credit for total prior service (Active and Reserve Component), the applicant must be able to qualify for non-regular retired pay by age 60. For applicants processing for entry into the Army National Guard, age is not a factor as long as the applicant qualifies for non-regular retired pay by age 60.
Probably one question you are asking - Do I have to take a physical at MEPS? That depends. You need to contact your local recruiter so that we can determine your current status. Best thing to do, if possible, is to locate a copy of that last physical you took and give us a call.
A new ASVAB test is not required as long as previous ASVAB scores can be verified. However you are eligible to retake the ASVAB if necessary in order to qualify for a new MOS.
Basic Combat Training (BCT)
If you never completed Army or Marine Corps basic training then you will be required to attend Basic Combat Training as required by current Army policy. The exception to this rule is prior service USAF and USN special operations personnel or applicants who completed training for Air Force Security Police. However, any prior service applicant with a break in service of 3 years or more are required to attend BCT in accordance with current Army policy.
Officer Candidate School (OCS)
Prior Service applicants are eligible for the OCS Enlistment Option provided they meet the basic requirements. OCS applicants must have at least 90 college credits, GT score of 110, US Citizenship, and be able to commission before their 42 birthday. For more information check out our OCS page.
Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS)
The Warrant Officer Candidate School Enlistment Option is used to allow Prior Service Non-Commissioned Officers, with the minimum DA WO MOS Proponency requirements, to become a Warrant Officer in the Army National Guard. To be eligible for enlistment for the Technical Warrant Officer Enlistment option Prior Service applicants must have served in the Regular Army or Marine Corps with no more than a 12 month break in service from last separation. Additionally, Prior Service Marines will need to have attended U.S. Army Advanced Individual Training (AIT) or an Army MOS producing Service School while in the Marine Corps. Enlisted status within the Army National Guard is not required for predetermination submission. Once accessed the applicants will have one year from the date of enlistment to be appointed as a Warrant Officer Candidate and two years from the date of appointment as a WOC to complete WOCS. This enlistment option does not apply to Aviation Flight Applicants. Check out our Warrant Officer site for more information.
Check out our bonus page for the latest details on Prior Service Enlistment Bonuses.